The narrative I created walks the player through a day in the life of the climate change crisis in long-full swing. I find it unnerving how frequently it seems we find out that climate issues are looming significantly larger yet less distant each time an article is unleashed to the seemingly deaf masses. Unfortunately, the government in America is doing (pardonnez-moi mon français) shit-all to prevent the miserable future of dying from a crispy, beef jerky planet.

To really hammer this in, I created a narrative wherein the player wakes up from a nap and takes a walk outside. That's it. I hope it's enough to get my, and the entire science world's, point across.

I utilized a flaming color palette and futuristic font because I feel them to be accurate to the story hand in hand. I also used very few choices in my narrative, partially because I had such a fleshed-out idea, partially because I feel the need to correct our current path is so urgent, there's only a few choices left to be made anyways.

To find out more about how to help prevent a death by proverbial fire, read up here . And here's an audio clip along with a transcript you can read of a quick interview wherein someone discusses a heat-based experiment meant to test the human's limit with heat. Just think about what we'll have to do when we reach a global standard of heat like the one described.

Oppenheimer, Michael, and Jesse K. Anttila-Hughes. “The Science of Climate Change.” The Future of Children, vol. 26, no. 1, 2016, pp. 11–30. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Oct. 2022.

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